

Contract fee,, the amount of which depends on the loan amount. The contract fee must generally be paid upon disbursement of the loan or can be deducted from the loan amount.

Notary fee and state fee for establishing a mortgage.. The amount of the notary fee and the state fee depends on the content of the transaction, the amount of the loan and the mortgage. These costs can be deducted from the loan amount.

The cost of insuring the collateral, as the real estate used to secure the loan must be insured. The cost of insurance depends on the object and the chosen protections. Attention should be paid to the fact that the Borrower undertakes to keep the collateral insurance contract valid until all obligations arising from the loan agreement are fulfilled.

From 11%

The minimum term is 3 months. The maximum term is up to 120 months. The loan can always be repaid early.

The loan can always be repaid early. Early partial or full repayment of a loan is based on the terms of a specific loan agreement. As a general rule, an early repayment fee must be paid, the amount of which depends on the notice period and the loan balance.

A mortgage is a loan secured by real estate. A mortgage is suitable for business promotion, purchase of real estate, or other major expenses. It is also possible to refinance your existing liabilities with a mortgage loan. An apartment, a house, a commercial space, a production building and land for different purposes are suitable as collateral for the loan.

A legal entity that can offer real estate located in Estonia as a collateral can apply for a mortgage loan. The company must be registered in Estonia.

It depends on the market value of the real estate offered as collateral, the balance of the existing loan and the size of the mortgage. Contact our specialist for a more detailed answer.

You must contact our specialist immediately to find the best solution. In case of payment difficulties, we can offer to take a payment holiday, extend the term of the loan agreement, change the repayment date.

Yes. In this case, the loan amount will be repaid at the expense of the real estate and the previously established mortgage will be cancelled.

If the fulfilment of monthly loan obligations becomes excessive, refinancing the loan, i.e. replacing the loan with a new loan, can help you. Refinancing loans allows you to combine several different loans into one loan, spread loan liabilities over a longer period and save on interest.