
Refer someone to us and earn money!

Know someone who needs a flexible loan?
Refer them to us and make a good commission.


How does it work?

Many companies cannot get a bank loan for any number of reasons. However, they still need funds to achieve their objectives. If you bring clients like this to IQ FinTech, you can easily make some money of your own.

Our cooperation is based on an authorisation agreement. What’s more, is you can choose the basis for the calculation of your commission.

Fixed amount or % of profit

We pay commissions to our contractual brokers in two ways. It is up to you which one you prefer.

50% of the loan agreement fee signed by a client is paid to the broker who referred them to us.

You will receive up to 2% of the annual profit that we earn from the client you have referred to us. We will stipulate the percentage in the contract and make monthly payments.

Advantages for the broker

  • Cost-effective and transparent fee calculation
  • Agreements are protected contractually
  • Simple and easy to join the programme
  • Simple referral system, no paperwork

How do I become IQ FinTech’s partner?

Fill in the contact form with your details and add a message stating that you want to become a broker.
We will contact you to conclude the contract.